Tag: boostproductivity

Tearing Down the Red Tape: Finding Biblical Clarity in Leadership and Efficiency

Tearing Down the Red Tape: Finding Biblical Clarity in Leadership and Efficiency

Have you ever been invited to a meeting just to discuss another meeting? This guide sheds light on transcending such bureaucratic excess by aligning leadership with biblical principles, revealing the path to meaningful, value-driven work and leadership excellence rooted in spiritual insight.

On Team-Building…How Do You Make Them Care?

On Team-Building…How Do You Make Them Care?

As an leader, I know there’s nothing more important than having a great team. A team that works together, communicates well, and is motivated to succeed can take your operation to the next level. But how do you get to that point? How do you bring your team together and create an environment of collaboration and success?

How Do Leaders Work on the Things They Don’t Feel Like Working?

How Do Leaders Work on the Things They Don’t Feel Like Working?

Leadership is not a role one can take on lightly, I’ve said this before, but I think is worth repeating. If we want others to believe in us and to willingly follow us, we must give them something worth following. At home, we cannot ask from our spouse and children, or from our parents, something that we are not willing to give. It always boils down to self-leadership. We reap what we saw.